From the very beginning, Savater explains to us that his book was not written to be used as a class book. He points out that it has been written for his son since he needed to find a way of talking to him but without saying a word. Savater believes that telling something directly to a teenager is not the same as writing it on a sheet of paper simply because if the boy does not want to hear him, he will be wasting his time since the boy will not listen to him. However, if he writes it, he can be sure that one day his son will read it. Maybe not today or now, but he knows that at some moment he will read it.
Taking all this into account we can say that Savater’s idea was to give his son something that will last forever: his values and feelings. The value of learning to trust and believe in yourself and the importance of being able to love and be loved.
The most important thing to remember in this very first part of Savater's book is that he is trying to show us that what matters is not something physical or material but all those feelings, toughts, ideas and values which are going to last forever, no matter who is thinking, saying, reading or listening to them now; ideas are beyond what human beings can possibly grasp. And it is in this field where Ethics take place...