lunes, 26 de marzo de 2007


I just want to give you a warm welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading it as well as I enjoy writing it.
This blog has to do with Ethics and with what we are dealing with in our course (Ethics - Teachers' Training College, Liceo Cultural Británico). The idea is to let everyone know what the texts that I read mean to me.
I'll be entirely pleased if you happen to make any comment or suggestion about my posts! It would be great to start exchanging ideas, beliefs and thoughts with you...
Let's find out what comes out of this intriguing experience!

1 comentario:

Gladys Baya dijo...

Thanks for your warm welcome, Alez! The picture and caring text do honour to the great human being you're in "real life"... It'll be a pleasure to keep in touch with you via this site too!

