Well, here I am, and after such a long time of being 'absent' here, trying to give a kind of closure to this trip throughout this incredible book! There is only one thing that I wanted to comment on... I really loved it when Savater said that the division of time into hours, days, weeks, months and years is just as the division of a book in pages: it is not the number of the page that tells us what happens but it serves just to the purpose of giving it an order and the possibility of going back to see what has happened before in order for us to remember it or to reflec upon it or to learn from it... I have to say that that is exactly what happens with our lives, the more numbers of pages we turn over throughout the time, the more experiences we have lived for us to go back and learn from them... the fact that years pass by does not mean that things change... the only way in which things do change is not because we grow older but because as we grow older we become more and more able to look back critically and ready to learn from the mistakes and the good choices that we have personally written in the pages of the book we will keep on writing during all our lives... Well, it seems that I'm about to finish this trip... but... I'm starting another one! One page of my book is turned over today... and another one is here right now waiting for being written... So... Let's go on with our lives! Let's go on with our books! But never forget to smile! Never! Because this blog, as many other things in our lives, is a clear sing that we are alive and that we are alive because we have a reason! We will always have a reason for going on! Always! Remember your past (and learn from it), enjoy your present and smile proudly because we are invited to live our future! Thank you very much for 'blogging' with me!
Keep On Laughing! :)
2 comentarios:
How much truth in your statement that the mere fact that time goes by "does not mean that things change", Alejandra! Reminded me of a chapter in Learning Teaching, by Jim Scrivener, entitled 20 years' experience or one year experienced 20 times?. As you probably know, this idea that it is reflection upon our teaching practices that opens the path to professional development, has led to stressing the concept of the teacher as a "reflective practitioner" (Jack Richards was the first author I read discussing this concept).
I also found your optimistic tone inspiring! 8-)!!! Though pain helps us all grow, there's no point in allowing ourselves to live stuck in the traumatic experience, is there? If there's one thing all teachers share, I'd say that must be a passionate belief that the future can be better... Let's keep working together for it!
PS:if you have the chance to read the last issue of the magazineEl Monitor de la Educación, which brings a special dossier on pain and the school, don't miss it!
Hi Gladys!
Yes! I still can remember, if not the whole chapter, at least I do remember that interesting phrase!
And you are right! I DO believe that future can be better! Future will be better! If I didn't believe in that, what kind of teacher am I going to be? What kind of teacher am I going to be if I don't believe in education as the very first step for improving our society?
Well, I BELIEVE... and I think that's a very good starting point, don't you think?
Thank you very much for blogging with me!!!
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