What about Ethics?
It can be said that it is the field in which the human being spends his time thinking about what is actually relevant for him in order to achieve a "good" life...
But now the question is, what is a "good" life? Well, let me tell you that this huge question hasn't got just one single answer... Why? Simply because we are all different... and, since we have different views on what is good or bad for us, we will have, as a consequence, many different views on what is a "good" life...
There are two main concepts that will help us to understand this issue better: Freedom and Choice (which are, by the way, very connected concepts since in order to be able to make any Choice we will need to have the Freedom to do it).
In his book, as usual, Savater gives us a very clear example to understand the relation between this words and our "good" lives. He makes a connection between our decisions and that ones made by animals: the idea is that animals are naturally programmed to behave in a certain way; but what about we, human beings? Are we programmed by someone? or Are we free to make our own choices?
Let's think about us in our daily lives. When we are asked to do something, don't we have the opportunity of refusing to do it? Yes! Of course we can say No (no matter whether we will have to face any consequence after saying no, the fact is that we are free to choose).
Furthermore, there is one more thing to say here; we don't have to forget that we are not (always) able to choose what is going to happen to us but, on the other hand, we can choose how to react to it...
To sum up, let me tell you that I really now that all this issue of having the responsibility of being the ones who can change our own lives is not an easy task at all... but, after all, everything is in our hands...THE DECISION IS OURS... Which is going to be your next choice?...
3 comentarios:
You're right Ale... freedom to choose is very important and I'd say that resposibility for every decision we make is equally important!! choices, choices, choices... isn't life about that????
Are we totally aware of the importance of all the decisions we take? Are we aware that each choice can make the difference?
Human beings create their own path by choosing the way in wich they want to live.
It is very important to help others realize the power the have just by choosing the best way possible.
The importance of all you (and your mates)have said about choices and freedom is undeniable in my view, Ale.
So... moving one step further: how does our job as educators relate to this question of individual choices and freedom? You needn't answer that... yet! ;-)!)
Can you still afford a couple of minutes online? Try this text on attitude, by Charles Swindoll, and let us know what you think of it!
Big hug,
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