First of all, I think that Rita won't go to the pub with Frank simply because he asks her to go in order to talk about her husband and as Rita doesn't want to talk about him she wants to stay in his office for Frank to explain her why Chekhov is a comic genius. Then, when Rita asks him to go with her to the theatre he first says no because he excuses himself by saying that he doesn't like theatres and that the production is played by amateurs. However, we come to know that the true reason has nothing to do with him liking theatres or not because he says that he can't go with her for Julia would be jealous if he does so. When Rita says 'what's she got to be jealous of me for? I'm not gonna try and rape you' and he answers 'what an awful pity. You could have made theatre exciting for me again' we come to learn that Frank feels some sort of attraction for Rita. 'If she knew (Julia) I was at the theatre with an irresistible thing like you.' If this is not obvious enough for me to say that he finds her attractive, I don't know what else do you want him to say! :P
4 comentarios:
Hi Alez,
Don't you think that the fact that he doesn't like theatre is just an excuse? Just wondering about it. Don't you think that this attraction they feel for each other confuses them and that's why they prefer (each of them at their own time) to stay in the room?
I've already told you that I always love your entries.
Dar Alez and Yohi,
If Rita and Frank are trying to avoid facing their own feelings of attraction towards each other... isn't then staying alone in this locked room much more of a "temptation" than going out to a pub or theatre (church!), where they'd be surrounded by lots of people, and no intimacy would be possible?
I refuse to take their words so lightly.. .Julia might well be jealous of Rita as things are, going to see a play shouldn't add much to this... and I seriously wonder how concerned Julia actually is about Frank and his affairs... but maybe this is just an "old lady's" view!!! :-P
If you ever change your mind about it, pls can back here and post back!
How incredible it is when someone comes and shows you a side of the question that you haven't even thought of! That's what you've just done to me Gladys! I agree with you! I haven't thought about their being alone in that locked room and the temptation that that implies...
Regarding what you wrote about Julia I have to say that I agree on that too! Maybe she does not even care about where her husband is and with whom he is...She might be that kind of wife that is always locked up in the house doing housework and not taking even notice about what's going on outside...If that is the case, I think that Frank and Rita will be more than teacher-student sooner than expected! :P
Thank you for your enriching comment Gladys! :)
Well, I don't think Julia is "all observed by housework" and the like exactly... but then again, we don't see Frank much concerned about her, do we? I mean, apart from this reference to her as an excuse not to go to the amateur performance with Rita, do we see Frank sharing much with Julia?
Yet.. we need to bear in mind we're only seeing Denny and Julia through their partners' eyes.... surely that must make a difference!
Keep in touch,
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